I’M PUBLISHED AGAIN! This time, my work has been published in Salysé Magazine for their swimsuit edition!
I am over the moon about it!
My model friend, Amber Leigh, and I did a quick shoot to create some images to submit to the magazine. Amber and I work so well together, just the two of us. I don’t know why we don’t do more work together, and more often.
For the shoot, she brought over 3 huge bags of clothing and we just put together the outfits on the spot. This shoot was just as easy as our last one from 2015. Shooting to submit to Salysé was a last minute attempt and I really didn’t think our work would be accepted. There are so many amazing photographers published in that magazine every month, I was sure I’d be overlooked.
But the lesson for me: GO FOR IT!!!
So, in addition to my work being on the cover of a trilogy of romance novels, a fourth (non-related) novel, and an album cover (which I’ve yet to blog about), I’m now a published fashion photographer!!!
I will definitely be submitting more work to more magazines in the future!
Here’s a link to the digital version of Salysé Magazine. My work is on page 16!
Also, here’s a link to the trilogy, the latest book featuring my work, and the album.
Aside from the album cover, these are dreams I never had until now. This is just a bigger push to do more and take more chances! I can’t wait to get the magazine in my hands!